By: Tina Martin

Today, shelter-in-place orders are mainly a thing of the past. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone feels good about returning to their old lives. COVID-19 rates are on the rise, and recent news about the emergence of a MU variant has some people on edge.
With all of the changes that people have faced in the last two years, many people have felt their confidence waning. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t restore your self-confidence, allowing you to head back out into the world with your head held high. If you aren’t sure where to begin, CreoleNatural shares some strategies that can help.
Tackle Your Finances
Overall, 73 percent of Americans rank their finances as their number-one source of stress. Since stress can negatively impact self-confidence, getting your financial house in order is wise.
Begin by taking a hard look at your budget. Identify areas where you could afford to cut back. For example, canceling an extra streaming service, avoiding dining out, shopping grocery sales, and using coupons could all help. In some cases, getting new insurance policies may work, particularly if your current provider doesn’t have the most competitive rates.
Another option that may help is to refinance your home. Whether you secure a lower interest rate, leading to a reduced monthly payment, or cash out to consolidate some debt into your mortgage, it can make a world of difference. Before going this route, make sure to do your research and discuss your options with a financial professional.
Refresh Your Home
After spending more time at home for so long, it’s like your environment has become stale and lackluster. Or perhaps you’ve allowed clutter to accumulate. Your home is your refuge from the world, and though you’re likely tired of staring at the same old walls, making changes to your living environment can make a big difference in how you feel. Take some time to find ways to remove any negative energy by banishing clutter and giving your home a thorough clean.
A new coat of paint, new decor or even new flooring can take your space from blah to ah! Take a close look at your furniture too. If you have fabric pieces that could use a refresh, connect with a local furniture cleaning company to breathe new life into your sofa or favorite armchair. Just be sure to ask a potential cleaner about the chemicals and tools they use.
Embrace Work-Life Balance
A lack of work-life balance is another issue that can increase stress levels, reducing your overall level of self-confidence. Luckily, some simple changes can make a big difference. If you are a manager, start with boundary setting. An “always-on” mentality isn’t ideal for anyone. By clearly outlining when you’re available and when you’re not, you’re managing your team’s expectations. Plus, by letting your staff know that they don’t have to be available 24/7, you’re helping them achieve a better work-life balance, too.
Some other options for maintaining a work-life balance is to take all of your time off. Along with using vacation days, don’t work through your breaks or lunch. Time away is healthy. Plus, you can use that time to take a walk outside, read a favorite book, or do another activity you find relaxing, helping you reduce your stress even more. Practicing selfcare at work is essential so that you can avoid burnout and stress.
Switch Careers
If your current job doesn’t allow for work-life balance, switching careers could be a smart move. As mentioned above, a lack of work-life balance can be detrimental, leading to excess stress. If you’re working for a company that requires 24/7 accessibility, leaving may be your only way to achieve it.
Similarly, if your job is no longer engaging or you feel burned out, a change might be just what you need. When you reignite your passion, you’ll feel better about yourself as a professional. That can be a significant boost for your mental health, allowing you to navigate the post-COVID landscape with more confidence.
Make Time for Exercise
During the pandemic, 42 percent of adults reported undesirable weight increases, and the average amount of weight gained came in at a surprising 29 pounds. The reasons for the weight gain vary, but the end result can leave many people feeling insecure.
If you’re struggling with accepting your current weight, starting an exercise routine could be your path back to self-confidence. By getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week and adding in two days of strength training, you’re giving yourself a great foundation for improved health. If you’re not yet comfortable heading back to the gym, you can find inspiration for designing a home workout space here. Plus, as you become more capable, your self-esteem may rise, making you feel better about returning to the world.
About Author: Tina Martin stays busy as a life coach and works hard to help herself and her clients achieve a healthy work-life balance. She started Ideaspired as a side project to reach as many people as possible, and encourage them to put their dreams first.